Three dependent variables.
In the introduction and the title, three variables come to the fore, they can be seen as the non-reducible simplification of the number of variables that on the lowest level influence, and this is important, dependently, any outcome as to projecting the future. The dependency of these three variables also can be seen as influencing reality in a direct way, then reverberating in incalculable cause-effect further consequences. They can be seen as entities, living variables, in themselves ever changing, similar to organic, living organisms. Having made preliminary remarks on how they function and orient themselves, we should be now be ready to put them into an equation.
When we connect the three variables, seen as dots in a first visualisation, we get a triangular plane. To further the proposition, it is now supposed to define anywhere on the plane the variable we introduce, say oneself as an individual as in where we belong with regard to the variables, then scenario some changes to the three variables to see our ever shifting position. It could be said that the closer to the borders of the triangle we deviate after corrections to the variables, how riskier our position gets. The finding of oneself out of the triangular plane, need not be told. This is a first visualisation I propose as to comprehend the ‘phenomena’ of climate change, pollution, war policies, energy issues and on.
The eco-system, human bulk, human facilitas, present in the three dots that then shape the plane, then by positioning one’s group or individual interests within the plane, then changing the position of the dots in a systematic way to simulate some kind of interference, then would alter the position of the chosen antagonist on the plane. This would constitute one model for the playground of reality. To add complexity to the model one could add levels of inclination of the plane, combine systems of planes and see where they intersect. The basic understanding though of the relationships of say climate-change and energy policies as to the shape of the triangle will at least provide a model that might question the often binary logic of public communication.
Now secondly, within the sphere analogy, there is to one’s preference an alternative visualisation method for simulating first our proper individual position, our group appurtenance within the globes, then by shrinking and expanding the globes one can simulate the impact of come again human population numbers. as a matter of sophistication making the spheres more or less transparent or porous could add further sophistication. To allow them to differ in shape and ‘pressure’ would add more layers of complexity to the model.....